1 cup red/pink lentils
8 cups of pure water, preferably RO water
1 large white onion, chopped
1 large garlic clove, finely chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
3 large carrots sliced thinly sliced
1 heaping tbsp kosher salt
16 turns of freshly cracked black pepper
4 large bay leaves
3 shakes turmeric
4 shakes cumin
4 shakes curry powder
4 shakes dried thyme
Put the lentils in a large pot and rinse thoroughly using cold water. Repeat four times.
Place the pot of lentils and water on a medium temperature burner and add the pure water to the lentils. Stir with a spurtle! Bring to a boil
Chop the vegetables and add them to the pot. Stir with a spurtle!
Add all the seasonings, stir with a spurtle and cook until lentils are tender - about 1.5 to 2 hours.
Remove the bay leaves and discard.
This soup can be made in the morning and kept warm on the lowest temperature setting all day.
For a most delicious and nutritious soup, stir occasionally with your spurtle!