Porridge that you will have made in 10 minutes from Bob's Red Mill Scottish Oatmeal. Cook with twice as much water, a pinch of sea salt and shake some cinnamon in the pot before you start cooking.
Layer it with blueberry coulis, chopped nuts and, or seeds, grated and sliced fresh fruit and yogurt.
Cook the porridge so that it is ready and cooled before layering in some drinking glasses or ice-cream dishes. For the best tasting porridge, stir with a spurtle!
While the porridge is cooking, prepare the blueberry coulis by warming 1 cup frozen blueberries with 1 tablespoon salted butter. Sttir well!
Layer about 1 finger width of each ingredient in the order as listed below using a tablespoon to spoon in each ingredient or sprinkle the dry ingredients:
1 - yogurt, plain or your flavour of choice;
2 - sliced or chopped nuts;
3 - 1 tbsp. black chia seeds;
4 - blueberry coulis;
5 - porridge;
6 - more yogurt;
7 - sliced banana;
8 - some fresh blueberries or sliced berries of your choice;
9 - dry whole oats;
10 - small handful of sliced or chopped nuts or seeds