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Top your Porridge!

Dress up your #porridge! The more colourful, the better! In other words, colour equals #nutrition and #flavour. On its own, oat porridge contains much #nutrition that includes #vitamins, minerals, #fibre, carbohydrates, protein and fat. Vitamins A and C are missing but by adding pink, red or orange fruit such as peaches, apricots, oranges, grapefruit, mandarin, clementines, red grapes, cherries or berries, you'll capture the vitamin A and C that will give you a complete meal. Oats naturally contain antioxidants but by adding some fruit, you'll power it up!

For a more protein packed porridge add #uts and or #seeds, or both.

If you eat dairy, add your choice of #milk, #cream, #cremefraiche, #kefir or #yogurt. If you're eating #plantbased, add some plant-based milk and/or yogurt.

Nuts to choose from are plentiful: Almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts and pecans are all delicious. I love pecans because they are slightly soft, nutty and chewy!

Seeds to choose from are many! Pumpkin, sunflower, chia and sesame seeds are all delicious.

If you're looking for a sweeter flavour, add some rice syrup, coconut sugar, maple syrup, agave syrup or nectar.

When it comes to fruit toppings, I really love blueberries for the high antioxidant value and slightly sweet but tangy taste. I have even heard them called brain-berries! Antioxidants are good for heart health and brain health, and are really good for your skin.

To add sweetness without adding sugars, there is one fruit that can't be beat! That is the banana! Known for its potassium content, they are good for your heart and they contain vitamin C as well. But bananas aren't the only fruit that is good for your heart. Any fresh, raw food contains potassium. For optimal health, add fresh food to every meal by adding a fresh green salad or a bowl of fresh fruit, or both.

Good for your health which means it's good for your brain and your skin!

The prettier your porridge the more #nutritiousanddelicious it will be!


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